Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What I Had For Breakfast: In Pursuit of Less Pay and More Hours - Welcome to The Way We Now Work

Three articles caught my attention in as many days; Harvard Business Review's article Labor Day: Beyond The Barbecue, Labor Day Lament in TIME and Majority of Workers Don't Feel Underpaid in Adweek.

The common theme here is obviously work. How we feel about the way we work, and the fact that most of us work longer hours than ever to adapt to, compete with, and keep up with the technology that chains us to keyboards, phones and laptops. And not necessarily for more money.

Now think about the progress we have made…

Labor Day was originally intended to celebrate the “working class" laborers who built the country (manual workers), but I’d actually consider much of the American workforce as "working class" today. Knowledge workers, officers workers and the rest of us who are always "on" - just because we don't do manual labor, doesn't mean we don't work hard or contribute significantly to the growth of our employers and the economy - especially with so many manual jobs vanishing abroad.

Let’s take a look at a Times freelancer who was quoted in TIME’s post and typically works 65-70 hrs per week. "Your work day is done when your work is done. And the work is never really done. You can’t leave it until tomorrow because you’ll have too much to do tomorrow."

How many of you can relate to that? No sooner have you replied to a few emails and completed a number of tasks than another dozen emails come in - all urgent, all demanding the same, immediate attention. It is a real challenge not to become "inbox-driven."

We can thank technology for this.

Technology has not necessarily freed us to be more creative or to work more efficiently. Technology and work processes continue to demand more of our time and attention, divvying up our focus into so many places all at once. Technology has created a work culture that frowns upon those not connected.

In my world, I have the following going on at any one time: blackberry messages, text messages, various IMs programs running, a mobile phone ringing in between my two office extensions, my personal email as well as my work emails, dozens of news feeds, Facebook, Twitter et al. I’m not on Foursquare yet, but it’s only a matter of time… And this is before I get to my real work. How do I work smarter, not harder, in this environment? Someone pass me the Advil please!

So it's hardly surprising that the average work day has shot up to 12 hrs, or more. How can we possibly accomplish what we need to on any given day with so much noise and so many distractions? Is this what the new normal means?

Did we create it, or did it create us?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What I Had For Breakfast: The Dumbest Marketing Idea Ever

Only a nonparent could design a website for children that "allows them to plan what's for dinner."

The premise of this dumbest marketing idea ever - ZisBoomBah (even the name sounds utterly stupid)
- is that kids get to learn about nutrition as they custom design what they want for dinner.

What a brilliant idea!?1#&#! Kids designing their own meal plan... I can't believe that no one has thought of this before.

Not only does Mom, or Dad, have to contend with holding down a job or two, and cooking after a nice long, stressful day's work, but now little Sally's custom menu selection will miraculously appear in Mom's inbox together with a recipe and shopping list.

"Go on Mom, Dad, what are you standing around for? Go buy these ingredients for my dinner - and make it!"

While I know that feeding children healthfully is a challenge for many parents (I am a parent of two) and that some guidance can be very helpful in making healthier selections, the thought that a young child will be making dinner and shopping choices for their parents is one of the most daft ideas I've ever come across.

Oh, and the website is "sponsored" by food companies and brands, so you know what the real impetus is here: "educate" children about our healthy food products so that Mom will buy them.

Helping kids make smart food choices?

It's nearly enough to put to you off your food!